Baseball • Softball • Cricket
1. Baseball und Softball Club Karlsruhe Cougars e.V.
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Co-Ed Fastpitch

In our mixed fastpitch team, women and men play fastpitch softball together. In contrast to slowpitch softball, the ball is thrown faster here. At games there are always at least three women in the team line-up. The offer is aimed at everyone with and without softball experience who are interested in regular games with a competitive nature. Especially if you have already been active in other sports and are looking for a new challenge, you should find the right offer with the mixed team.

The game days of the co-ed fastpitch league of the Baden-Württemberg Baseball and Softball Association (BWBSV) are played in tournament form. There are currently four game days per season. The team also takes part in national and international tournaments. As champions of the BWSBV league, the team has already qualified several times for the so-called Champions League - a kind of unofficial German fastpitch co-ed League championship - in which the first and second placed in all German co-ed leagues compete for the coveted trophy. In 2015 the team took an excellent 3rd place there. The team will also take part in the Champions League next year.

Practice Schedule

Indoor Season (January - March, December)
Wed: 20:00  -  22:00 Team Practice, Schillerschule
Outdoor Season (April - October)
Wed: 18:00  -  20:00 Team Practice, Cougars Ballpark, Field 2


Jakob Bönsch, Headcoach, Tryout Practice

Game Reports


Softball, Coed FP Author: ar

Zum verkürzten Heimspieltag fanden sich die Mannheim Tornados und Sindelfingen Squirrels ein, nachdem Göppingen im Laufe der Woche aus Spielermangel [...]

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4. Platz bei der DM in Werl

Softball, Coed FP Author: ar

Am vergangenen Wochenende machte sich ein nahezu ausgeglichenes Mixed-Team – 5 Damen und 7 Herren – auf den Weg nach Werl, sich mit den besten [...]

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Saisonauftakt in Tübingen

Softball, Coed FP Author: ar

Bei sommerlichen Temperaturen begaben sich die Karlsruhe Cougars nach Tübingen zu den dort heimischen Hawks um den ersten Spieltag der Saison zu [...]

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Nachholspieltag Saison 2016

Softball, Coed FP Author: ar

Zum Nachholspieltag in Göppingen trafen bei bestem Aprilwetter die Tübingen Hawks, Mannheim Tornados, die gastgebenden Green Sox und die Karlsruhe [...]

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Softball, Coed FP Author: ar

Zum Heimspieltag bei besten äußeren Bedingungen begrüßten wir unsere Gäste aus Nagold, Göppingen und Sindelfingen/Reutlingen.

Weitere Bilder zum [...]

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57 Benedikt Brox
Active since: 2012
Position(s): OF
Previous Club: Karlsruhe S-Cargos
7 Jakob Bönsch
Active since: 2013
Position(s): UT
Previous Club: Karlsruhe S-Cargos
40 Sven Dick
Position(s): OF
31 Silvia Ernstberger
Active since: 1996
Position(s): OF
36 Rolf Hammer
Active since: 1975
Position(s): IF
Previous Club: Karlsruhe S-Cargos
20 Vanessa Heins
Active since: 1990
Position(s): WTCPM
Previous Club: Dohren Wild Farmers
Statistics: Heins, Vanessa
14 Andrea Kohlmann
Active since: 2016
Position(s): RF, 2B
25 Katrin Krieger
Active since: 1997
Position(s): 3B, OF
Previous Club: Erfurt Latinos
Statistics: Krieger, Katrin
88 Anita Matura
Active since: 2010
Position(s): OF, 2B
73 Markus Matura
Active since: 1995
Position(s): IF
Previous Club: Solingen Alligators
Statistics: Matura, Markus
10 Karsten Meyer-Sachers
Position(s): WTCPM
Previous Club: Landau Lazy Bones
Leonhard Moraweck
Position(s): OF, 3B
Previous Club: Karlsruhe S-Cargos
38 Alexander Rothhaas
Active since: 1990
Position(s): P, UT
Sebastian Schlimmer
Active since: 2009
Position(s): C, OF
Previous Club: Landau Lazy Bones
Dennis Wallace
Position(s): OF
Previous Club: Landau Lazy Bones
94 Sven Wilms
Position(s): WTCPM
Previous Club: Karlsruhe S-Cargos
*WTCPM = wherever the coach puts me


Jakob Bönsch
Function: Head Coach


Currently no results available

1. TUB 651.8330
2. KAR 642.6671
3. MAT 633.5002
4. GOP 606.0005

Currently no games scheduled


Currently no events scheduled